HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my most amazing and sweet little man! He is the absolute light of our lives! This tiny guy we have gotten to care for, love, nurture, play with, snuggle with, watch grow, become this 3 year old KID!! Through quickly being potty trained, through the Terrible 2's, through bumps and bruises, through scary dream nights, Noah has become this incredibly smart, complete comedian with a heart of gold and a grin that can make the saddest person smile!! I can not be more blessed to have this little boy, to have made this little boy, to have the joy of watching him grow! It is hard it happens so fast, for anyone who has children....you know what I mean:) And to know one day he will be all grown up, with a family of his own...I am so happy to know I will have gotten to teach him and love him his whole life to get him to where he is going! 3 is an amazing age, Noah is just a sponge of youth waiting for the next awesome thing to happen, and I can't be more thrilled to be here for him!! I love being this amazing little boy's mommy. It is the most wonderful job I could ever ask for. God has certainly blessed our family with him! With both of our healthy, sparkling, bubbly spirited children!
I thank Him for this gift of family He has given us! Everyday!!

(taken this morning, he said "I a DRONG man!!" hahahahaha LOVE!)
Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!