OMG I just got back from seeing the Jodi Picoult movie My Sister's Keeper. I am so effing pissed that they changed the end of the movie!!! How can they takke such an amazing book and change the ENDING. I just am so mad right now about this it isnt even funny. Ok so anyways this weeks list is My 5 BIGGEST hates!
1. Movie makers who change perfectly good books into ordinary stories that have no decent meaning!
2. Authors who allow stupid ass movie makers to change their books for movies.
3. Movie theater seats that hurt your butt and makes your legs go numb
4. Flat soda! its disgusting and I hate
5. Stale movie theater sticks in your teeth and tastes like POOOOO!
Ok...I'm done with my rant but seriously, if you read the book and plan on seeing the movie, plan on being disapointed. Because it blew monkey chunks!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Blog Awards!

And here are 15 of my favorite blogs to receive this award as well (in no particular order :O)
1.Celina- Celina's Life
2.Rosie- Cracklin' Rosie
3. Deborah- Deborah's Scrapbook Layouts
4.Gine- Gine's Scraproom
5.Jill- Is this my life really?
6.Brianna- jillofallcrafttrades
7.Lizzie- lizzies blog
8.Kristy- My Corner of the Studio
9.Tracey- scrappin trackside
10.Beate- Scraps and Stuff
11.Shemaine- Scraptastic
12.Emily- Through Emilys Eyes
13.Bethany- Creative Ruminations
14.Frances- Forever and a Year
15.nscropper- Imagine That!
To my blog candy winners...
I FINALLY made your prizes!! I have to get to the PO sometime to mail out a swap and a your prizes so thank you for being patient with me and dealing with my slowness!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Jewely Layout!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Favorite 5's Better late than never!
Ok so yesterday was far to busy a day to get on here and do anything with George's coming home!! Whoo-hoo!! It was absolutely awesome, I hate to think he is leaving again so soon and for LONGER! That part is poohy....but we won't talk about that today I am going to list all the wonderful amazing things that have been going on in my life- including my hubby being so amazing!
1. George coming home of course! It was so great to see him again. I leaped on him and gave him the biggest hug I think I ever gave him! He is wonderful, and he is the best daddy and hubby anyone could ask for. He cleans, he provides, he spoils us rotten when he can. He knows when to put his foot down but he is the most patient and calm man i have ever met. You will never here him yell or even raise his voice. He is supportive of everything I do and he doesn't mind dumping his hard earned money into my very exspensive hobby! He is just all around the absolute best!!
2. My two wonderful amazing children, Emma and Noah. They are sweet as pie and everything a mom could ask for! Emma takes care of his baby brother and he just adores her. I love to watch them play together, it is so cute!
3. My housing situation seems to be changing for the MUCH better and I am so excited for having more room! We are finally in a place where we can afford something bigger and a door opened for us that is making it really possible! I hope it happens!
4. Army benefits. Yes, they suck sometimes, but then again, they seem to be coming through for George and me. Thank God for job openings!
5. And last for my list today is my WHOLE family. They have helped me so much and through so much. They are supportive and caring and they were there for us when we needed them most and that is what makes family- family. A special thanks to my two sisters, Rosie and Angela, and my mom, Terry. Without you guys I wouldnb't have made it through these past 2 years! You guys are the best sisters and mom anyone could wish for!! I couldn't have picked ones better!
Friday, June 12, 2009
One Friday to go!
So as you all know George is gone for a while for the Army *tear* but he will be back!! YAY! Anywho, ok so it's Fave 5 Friday everybody, I skipped last Friday so this one has to be doubley awesome right? Well- let's see how goes it!
1. Zig glue pen! I couldn't live without it...really. I have never seen a liquid glue work so well. I'm in love.
2. MRE's- if you don't know what they are, it's Army food. And it has been the topic of discussion going on around here for complete ENTERTAINMENT! You would think you would get better food for serving your country. Geez! But it's still funny...
3. You Tube videos of talking eggs, not only will you piss your pants laughing, but the thought of the people who had the time to make all those videos makes me laugh even more!
4. Emma's new way of talking. And speaking her mind, about EVERYTHING. That girl thinks it and it spills out of her! Hilarious, indeed. And her new fave thing to say is *drum roll* "I borrowin it!" If she thinks she can, she says she will! Too funny, for example. She told me she was going to "borrow" Noah the other day because I told her to stop fussing him!!! WHat a coock she is turning into!
5. Last but not least on my list for this rainy Friday is.....nothing. There is no number 5! The truth? I can't think of anything while I am typing this post....shame on me...I guess my own ingenious-ness will have to do. :O) Don' laugh, I'm just a really big dork! know who you are ;-P
1. Zig glue pen! I couldn't live without it...really. I have never seen a liquid glue work so well. I'm in love.
2. MRE's- if you don't know what they are, it's Army food. And it has been the topic of discussion going on around here for complete ENTERTAINMENT! You would think you would get better food for serving your country. Geez! But it's still funny...
3. You Tube videos of talking eggs, not only will you piss your pants laughing, but the thought of the people who had the time to make all those videos makes me laugh even more!
4. Emma's new way of talking. And speaking her mind, about EVERYTHING. That girl thinks it and it spills out of her! Hilarious, indeed. And her new fave thing to say is *drum roll* "I borrowin it!" If she thinks she can, she says she will! Too funny, for example. She told me she was going to "borrow" Noah the other day because I told her to stop fussing him!!! WHat a coock she is turning into!
5. Last but not least on my list for this rainy Friday is.....nothing. There is no number 5! The truth? I can't think of anything while I am typing this post....shame on me...I guess my own ingenious-ness will have to do. :O) Don' laugh, I'm just a really big dork! know who you are ;-P
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Alpha LO for Vintage Flaire
Working on this long on going 6x6 LO challenge. The letter is picked randomly and we have to create a 6x6 LO that has a word starting with that letter dominately on the page, and whatever added embelly it says has to be on there. So the first one is Y and the added embelly is butterflies. So here is my take and I did the word YESTERDAY.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Oh Monday, and a Father's Day card
So here is the father's day card I made for George and for the If The Shoe Fits blog challenge. Hope you like it!
So we are doing ok since George left. Emma is asking for him everyday and Noah has been cranky in the morning without him but we are doing well besides that :O) Thank you everyone for your support! It won't be long before he's home!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
2 Sketches 4 You Card Challenge!!

So with minutes to spare I am posting for this AWESOME card challenge over at 2S4Y! Hope they like my card! You can check out the challenge here
Thanks to Laura's FAB sketch 27! Thank you for such an AWESOME challenge ladies!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Creative Scrappers LO #54
Not the best or my fave..
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's just one of those days...
Got kinda crappy news today. I was hoping to make the DT for a blog and didn't. :O( I was so excited too! Oh well, such as life. Maybe next time!
I'm really tired today for some reason too. So that isn't helping my mood.
Something is wrong with Emma and she keeps peeing her pants because she can't get to the bathroom in time. No complaining from her so I don't think it's a UTI, but I can't tell if she is just holding it because she doesn't want to stop playing and by the time she makes it to the bathrrom it's too late. URG, 5 pairs of pants she went through yesterday. Not to mention the cleaning of the bathroom floor...the damn thing is so clean you could eat off of it.
I just want some good news today! I don't care what it is or where it's from...just a little pick me up! I need to go for a I'm irritated!
I'm really tired today for some reason too. So that isn't helping my mood.
Something is wrong with Emma and she keeps peeing her pants because she can't get to the bathroom in time. No complaining from her so I don't think it's a UTI, but I can't tell if she is just holding it because she doesn't want to stop playing and by the time she makes it to the bathrrom it's too late. URG, 5 pairs of pants she went through yesterday. Not to mention the cleaning of the bathroom floor...the damn thing is so clean you could eat off of it.
I just want some good news today! I don't care what it is or where it's from...just a little pick me up! I need to go for a I'm irritated!
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