This post will stay at the top until the end of the BLOG CANDY!! Make sure you check back and see new pieces of what is up for grabs! And just because I am in a super happy mood..there may be ways to get extra chances to WIN!! So stayed tuned!!!
Oh my dear bloggy friends, today completely got away from me...but let me tell was TOTALLY worth spending all day outside with my little ones!! Now onto the BLOG CANDY!!!
Here's how it works...leave a comment:) Yup that's it!! I broke 100 followers and that is AWESOME!! So all you crafty peeps have to do is leave a comment on THIS POST and at the end of the month I will randomly choose not one...but TWO winners of a YUMMY little prize package! Do I hear squeals? Want to know what it is? Well....all in good time:) Hehehe, I have to keep you coming back for something right???? So first photo is just a sneaky peek and as the month goes on I will keep adding little peeks of the whole enchilada!! Which only gives me incentive to add to it as the month goes on!
So post this on your blog, link it to your sidebar, do what you want with it to tell your fellow bloggy friends and cross your fingers chooses your comment!!
Here's your first sneaky peek!!

I just want to thank all of you so much for coming back and leaving me such love since I have started blogging! Your comments always leave a smile on my face! I have been SO inspired by each and every one of you and you have all brought me a long way!! Thank you for being so completely awesome!!
**EXTRA CHANCE*** Post about my blog candy on your blog, facebook, forum, where ever!! For ever place you post you get an addition entry to win the candy!!
**EXTRA EXTRA CHANCE** Get one of your blogging buddies to follow my blog and leave a comment on my blog candy!! Make sure they say who you are so I know who sent them! This will also give your friend 2 ENTRIES into the blog candy!!!