I did a new post! LOL! I had one heck of a week here between being very very sick and having a few good friends need lots of love and support. To start, I would like to say I am so very sorry for my very dear sweet friend Pryn, who's wonderful mom Sharon passed away this week. Also, my friend Catherine, who lost her grandmother. And lastly, my friend Dwayne, who also lost his grandmother. I love you all and I wish I could give you big hugs and take away the pain you a feeling. So I ask you to pray for comfort for them and their families while they are going through this devastating time.
Yes, it was a rough week. I had to force myself to get crafty. I just couldn't get into the mood while grieving for my friend's losses. I am glad I made myself though because it did help to relieve some of the sadness.
Now for the scrappy part of the post!
I love the scrappy forum I am part of
Artistic Paper Crafting They have some really AWESOME challenges...and of course I loves me some good friendships there!! Definitely head over there and check it out...you will NOTTTT be disappointed!! Now for a few samples of the awesome challenges...
Scrap Scavenger Hunt...Jilly bean posted little list of supplies we had to gather from our stash and take pictures of, that was not really a challenge, but it was fun..the challenge was to use 2 things from each photo to create a project!! THAT WAS HARD!!! I didn't have many matching things in my pictures but I luckily made it work...

Cute right? They are my doll babies..I can't get enough of those smiles!
Paint It Kraft Challenge....they always have a Paint It blah blah blah challenge (just means the background of your project has to be whatever color they state) in this case it's KRAFT. Pshhh I LOVES me some kraft paper so of course I jumped this bandwagon!

Is it yummm? I do think so myself lol...I am totally in love with the title and how it came out...I surprise myself sometimes!
What else what else...I think I will hold off on the rest for tomorrow! I need to get back into the sing of blogging after my week long hiatus!
Hope you all are having a wonderful week!! BIG HUGS!!