Monday, November 30, 2009
A Whole Month of Nothing
I didn't know a whole month could be so unproductive of me!! I have just been busting my booty with some very personal and crazy things that have been going on. So life is getting in the way, of everything lol. Blogging, scrapping, it's all been pushed to the back burner for now and with the holiday season in full bloom, it's going to be even more nuts. But I will try and keep things posted as I go! If I get anything creative happening I will lose sleep to post it lol!! Happy scrapping, happy holidays! Miss you guys bunches!
Friday, November 20, 2009
I lost 11 lbs!! SO excited!! Hahaha, Slim Fast really does work! And Zumba! But I need to get my booty back to Zumba lol....I haven't gone in 2 weeks! Just been doing my daily exercises lol...but its working! I am proud of myself for finally doing this for myself. It is a huge step forward for me! And I really needed this right now. With everything that's been going on in my life right now iwth my husband...I am just exstatic! So, there I had to share my accomplishment!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Nothing new!
I'm sorry to say I have been extremely busy this month and have gotten little scrapping done. I have 2 layouts to take pictures of and post though so those are coming this week!
I'm having some home problems with the hubs that I am trying to work out too. So if I'm not around much it's because I really don't have anything to say. I am finding it really hard to get much of anything done to post as far as scrapping goes because of this too. So hopefully when things get back on track, so will my crafting!
thanks for stopping by!
I'm having some home problems with the hubs that I am trying to work out too. So if I'm not around much it's because I really don't have anything to say. I am finding it really hard to get much of anything done to post as far as scrapping goes because of this too. So hopefully when things get back on track, so will my crafting!
thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's not Saturday yet!
Which means I can still call this a Fave 5 Friday! haha, so with the Holiday season upon us so darn quickly...I just want to mention my loath of Christmas right now. seriously? It was not even Halloween yet and the stores are over loaded with Christmas deco and candies! I hate it...really. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I feel it is HUGELY important for children to learn about it just as much as Christmas, and it is sadly disappearing into the background of holidays. Fight for Thanksgiving! And I hope that everyone remembers what Christmas is about in the end, not just the presents and goodies, but about Christ...yeah I know, blah, blah, blah, but it is a serios matter to me that I hope to teach my kids to love and respect. And to truly understand what it is all about :O)
So onto my list of goodies!
1. Thanksgiving! I love it...gravy, mashed potatos, turkey-the whole shebang!
2. holiday crafts! I absolutely LOVE to make crafts related to the season, handprint turkeys are one of my favorite!
3. Baking! It's like one big bake fest over here around this time of year and it is AWESOME!
4. Jumping in the leaves! Amazing and fabulously fun!
5. Crisp nights...I live for them:O)
So onto my list of goodies!
1. Thanksgiving! I love it...gravy, mashed potatos, turkey-the whole shebang!
2. holiday crafts! I absolutely LOVE to make crafts related to the season, handprint turkeys are one of my favorite!
3. Baking! It's like one big bake fest over here around this time of year and it is AWESOME!
4. Jumping in the leaves! Amazing and fabulously fun!
5. Crisp nights...I live for them:O)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Boobie Monster!

Yes, referring to BCA Month! It is important in fact that they dedicate a whole month to raise awareness of it! So feel those ta ta's and be preventive! Remember your screenings and now matter how uncomfortable they are DO THEM ANYWAYS! Don't be embarressed to ask the Doc about it either, whether you have watermelons or lemons...feel 'em up and track anything out of the ordinary. The first sign is never too small to call!
So with all that said...head over to Lisa's blog and leaver her a comment that you "squeezed your melons" and you will be entered to win some goodies!
Kisses and squeezes *wink*
Friday, October 9, 2009
2 new LO's!
Monday, October 5, 2009
I'm BACK!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Havin' a hard time...
Right now with a few things, so I haven't been around. I'll be back soon. Taking care of some family business.
Friday, September 4, 2009
It's Friday!!

Sooooo it's time for the Fave 5's! I didn't think I really had any for this week but I think I can scrounge up some!
1. My new phone! I can finally tweet, and update from my cell and that makes me happy:O)
2. My hair straightener...I love it, it gets me through my frizzy day
3. Decorating cakes-I just love and am looking forward to doing the baby shower cake for my friend Nicole!
4. My bracelet from hubby...I wear it ever day (I dont even take it off) and it just reminds me how much he loves me even if we get to see each other for only 2 minutes in a day!
5. Picture frames- I love love love picture frames and my MIL got me 2 very cute ones for only a buck!
okay, so it wasn't hard at all...I actually have a number 6 this week! Heavenly Kisses by Victoria's Secret...I am in love with this perfume, it just smells so amazing!
Everyone have a good weekend! Hopefully I can get my scrap on soon!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fridays 5's!! A bit excited!
Ok so first let's start with how ecstatic I am that Emma got into our Head Start program she is starting school September 14th! Like AHHHHHH! So excited!!
SOOOOOOOOOOOO number 1: School! Because it's just a fabulous place for Emma to grow and become a smarter, well balanced toddler, and I am just so happy for her!
2. Sleeping children...let me tell you it is so peaceful right now :O)
3. Project Runway! I am addicted...And Drop Dead Diva, AND Army Wives! Ahhh I have become a Lifetime Mommy!
4. China Glaze nail 4 and not 1 single chip!!
5. My new purple dress! Ok, it is VERY purple...I'm not prepared to post a picture of it quite yet...but I will, it's for a wedding I am going to in September. I am so excited! I love love love weddings :O)
Hehehe, so there's my boring fives for the week, picture-less and simple but it works for me to get a new blog post up! I am such a weak blogger lol. Love you ladies that mozy over to my little corner of the cyber world though! You are the best!
SOOOOOOOOOOOO number 1: School! Because it's just a fabulous place for Emma to grow and become a smarter, well balanced toddler, and I am just so happy for her!
2. Sleeping children...let me tell you it is so peaceful right now :O)
3. Project Runway! I am addicted...And Drop Dead Diva, AND Army Wives! Ahhh I have become a Lifetime Mommy!
4. China Glaze nail 4 and not 1 single chip!!
5. My new purple dress! Ok, it is VERY purple...I'm not prepared to post a picture of it quite yet...but I will, it's for a wedding I am going to in September. I am so excited! I love love love weddings :O)
Hehehe, so there's my boring fives for the week, picture-less and simple but it works for me to get a new blog post up! I am such a weak blogger lol. Love you ladies that mozy over to my little corner of the cyber world though! You are the best!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Scrapping Out LOUD Guest Designer :O)

First time as a guest designer! Very exciting for me! My LO was for the challenge It's A Wrap! I had to use a bow and tissue paper on my LO. Here is what I came up go check out the challenge!
On a much sadder note, I won't be around for the rest of the week because our internet is out till at least Friday. So I will be back then ladies!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Fave 5 Friday!
Last weeks challenge over at Scrapping out Loud! 

Wowser has it been a hectic summer or what? Beaches, partys, back to schools, everyone is crazy! So for my fives this week I am doing my favorite moments of summer!
Yesterday was also my wonderful baby boy Noah's 1st Birthday! I can't believe he's a whole year old already! Time flies, I hate blinking! And only 2 months till Emma is 3. Craziness!
So for my favorite moments of summer:
1. Ice cream!! I love ice cream and it is just one of the best treats in the summer.
2. BEACHing it up!! How could you not love love love the beach! It's just amazing, and swimming is one of my all time favorite activities! Soaking up the rays and getting a tan! Just fabulous!
3. BBQ's....I love picnic food and BBQ's are the best! I love getting everyone together for big picnics and BBq's, always fun!
4. Fruit! Summers always produce such delicious fruits and getting to go strawberry picking and next week blue berry picking has just been an absolute blast! The kids love it and the fruit is awesome!
5. Enjoying outside! Everything about it! Its just beautiful and fun. I love the outdoors!
Now for the rest of the summer! I hope everyone has a wonderful one...and I am looking forward to the fall weather here in CT with the leaves changing colors! PICTURES!! Here is some new work I have done FINALLY! Enjoy!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Two New Layouts!
Fave Fives...on Saturday!
Man has it been a BUSY month for me!! I barely had time to do any scrapping, let alone get on here to post it! I have a little to share but I can't get! I am excited for it though! So here's my fives, late this week but I just wanted you guys to remember I even existed!
1. Gesso- I have become addicted. I use it so much now , like ink! It's amazing, thank you Jill :)
2. Mickey Mouse Club House- it has become my daughter's favorite morning show and she is actually learning from the show! It amazes me.
3. Finding old pictures- I just found an old memory card with pictures I took of Noah when he was an infant, I got all teary looking through them. I forgot I had taken them!
4. Prayers- For everything...we have been thanking and asking God for help with out situation and finances and I really truly believe that He is taking care of us right now.
5. My camera- I know this has been on my list when I first got it but I appreciate having it so much I can't explain it. It has been my third arm capturing my life around me with beautiful pictures!
Hope everyone is having a SPLENDID weekend, and I will be posting new goodies soon!
1. Gesso- I have become addicted. I use it so much now , like ink! It's amazing, thank you Jill :)
2. Mickey Mouse Club House- it has become my daughter's favorite morning show and she is actually learning from the show! It amazes me.
3. Finding old pictures- I just found an old memory card with pictures I took of Noah when he was an infant, I got all teary looking through them. I forgot I had taken them!
4. Prayers- For everything...we have been thanking and asking God for help with out situation and finances and I really truly believe that He is taking care of us right now.
5. My camera- I know this has been on my list when I first got it but I appreciate having it so much I can't explain it. It has been my third arm capturing my life around me with beautiful pictures!
Hope everyone is having a SPLENDID weekend, and I will be posting new goodies soon!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Finally something new to show!

So I am in a paper piecing swap on Cafemom in a really awesome scrappy group! Great group of ladies, FABULOUSLY talented! Here is the last of what I made for the swap (pp had the ballerina and the clouds I did as well) I used my Slice to cut out the train bases and just a little creativity for the rest! Hope you guys like it!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I am a horrible blogger!

I have just not been with it!! I am trying to get my junk together and I have no mojo. I haven't scrapped in days except putting the rest of my ballerinas together. My clouds still need pearls, and I have challenges to get done before the end of the month! I did however get all of Noah's birthday invites put together. Will post a picture when I take it which will be like tomorrow since I need to mail them Monday. So on top of it all I am planning this birthday party! UGH....take a breathe...George has drill this weekend. The gramps want us to come over tomorrow so we are headed up there. Emma is excited to see their new puppy! I will bring camera and take pictures. It should be a fun time. Still have to do the grocery shopping for the week, get to the PO Thursday. Finish the laundry. Too much for one day. NUTS! So I will catch up with everything soon and revamp my blog to something better lol. Hugs to everyone!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
New funkyness!

I have not posted anything I have scrapped lately! So here is some stuffs I have been nimbley working on.
Dare I do a 5 late this week!
Sure! Why the h-e-double hockey sticks *wink wink Jill-that ones for you* not! Now what to make my 5's this week lol...hmm
Ok ok...
1. Staying awake till all hours of the night...I have been having some god awful nightmares this must be these whackado sleepng is over rated for the time being!
2. PAPER PIECING...I have become addicted. So much in fact that I am paper piecing 25 Noah's Ark birthday invitations together all drawn and cut out by hand by me. Ok with the exception that my sister helped me cut out some of the boats today...thank you for that!
3. Noah's new set of teeth. this has made it to the list because he looks so damn cute it makes me want to puke! He has these little pearlys popping through and he looks like a complete goof ball! I have to take a pic and show you what I mean!
4. Wine...enough said :O)
5. Sharpy pens...they dont run, they dont bleed, and I love them. they RULE! And Beckham (sp?) is NOT bad to look at either!
Ok ok...
1. Staying awake till all hours of the night...I have been having some god awful nightmares this must be these whackado sleepng is over rated for the time being!
2. PAPER PIECING...I have become addicted. So much in fact that I am paper piecing 25 Noah's Ark birthday invitations together all drawn and cut out by hand by me. Ok with the exception that my sister helped me cut out some of the boats today...thank you for that!
3. Noah's new set of teeth. this has made it to the list because he looks so damn cute it makes me want to puke! He has these little pearlys popping through and he looks like a complete goof ball! I have to take a pic and show you what I mean!
4. Wine...enough said :O)
5. Sharpy pens...they dont run, they dont bleed, and I love them. they RULE! And Beckham (sp?) is NOT bad to look at either!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I needed to add a little something to my previous post...
To Jill:
You are my BIGGEST by far, inspiration. Your scrapping techniques and charm and CRAZINESS have made me the better scrapper I am today. I would miss your quarky, funny, insane titles for post of CM if you ever dared to stop making them, and you always get my gears turning! Now, I meant to add all this to my other post but got side tracked about 15 times in the course of 2 hours of typing that damn post. So here is my ode to Jilly bean...and I bet she hates that I call her that...Love ya chickadee and all your whackyness!
You are my BIGGEST by far, inspiration. Your scrapping techniques and charm and CRAZINESS have made me the better scrapper I am today. I would miss your quarky, funny, insane titles for post of CM if you ever dared to stop making them, and you always get my gears turning! Now, I meant to add all this to my other post but got side tracked about 15 times in the course of 2 hours of typing that damn post. So here is my ode to Jilly bean...and I bet she hates that I call her that...Love ya chickadee and all your whackyness!
I'd Like To Thank The Blogcademy:O)

Well really Jill! For giving me this blog award ^^^
So the rules of this award are to post 7 other bloggers I adore and then post 7 things that no one knows about me.
And the list is(in no particular order):
1. Beate- Scraps and Stuff Beate, wine drinking, Twitting, scrapping, picture junkie! What can I say? Our friendship has come a LONG way and you have made a huge impression on me. From the start of Artistic it's been amazing, and you have made me a better scrapper. And you are a great friend :O).
2. Kristy- My Corner of the Studio Kristy, you are one of the most amazing scrappers I have ever seen! You are so creative and will just use materials in the most amazing ways. Creative really isn't even a good enough word! You're incredible!
3. Lizzie- Lizzie's Blog Oh Lizzie, we don't know each other super well, but our friendship is growing! You are crazy and fun and spunky and I LOVE it!! I love your style of punk meets shabby. Your crafting is also to the extreme and it's FANTABULOUS!! Hehe, you RAWK! :O)
4. Tracey- Scrappin' Trackside Tracey...fellow wine drinker/Twittering fool! Scrapping guru of the Nascar are hilarious! I need a laugh, I look for you. Funny, and quarky, oh just damn silly! You are inspirational with some of your out of the ordinary techniques and your insane ways. You crack me up!
5. Adina- According to Jane Austen Adina, Adina, Adina, I wanted to give you this award and I realized I wasn't even following your blog! How that happened I do not know. So it's more of an awesome person award for you lol but I posted your blog too. Anywho, you are awesome! there I summed it all up! I love just about everything about you! Crazy buzzed ramblings and all!
6. Celina- Celina's Life Celina, your blog is always so inspiring with all of the projects you post! I love seeing the pictures of your family and reading all about them. It's great how open you are and sharing your scrapping addiction with your fellow bloggers!
7. Shemaine- Scraptastic! Shemaine, your creativity blows me away! You are sweet and funny and always good to go to for motivation! I love your blog and I get excited when I see new posts from you, just to see what you made next!
Ok and now for the 7 things you guys don't know about me...this could be tough.
1. I am terrified of the dark. I have to sleep with the tv on, I think something is going to reach over the edge of the bed and grab my feet if I fall asleep in the dark. I can't go into our basement at night because it freaks me out so bad I feel like I am going to hiperventilate. I am trying to get over this fear (it's not working out well)
2. I LOVE COWS! I have a HUGE collection from way back when, that is still growing. My newest additions have been Cows On Parade and 2 absolutely AWESOME cow handle ice cream scoops! One is mini and one regular sized and they are the CUTEST things I have ever seen. My sister Rosie is especially keen on feeding my addiction. You would never know this unless you have been to my house. I even have a cow cookie jar from my sister Angela, it moos when you open it :O)
3. I have a shoe fetish. Mainly for flip flops. I CAN NOT get enough. I have to force myself to walk past the shoe aisles in stores because I would stock up on pointless pairs just because I love them so! I LOVE Converse sneakers. I have flat feet and Converse and flip flops just fit me really well and don't hurt my feet like other shoes can. It's a passion really!
4. I loath dirty socks and feet. It is one of my biggest pet peeves. I will change my socks (well, I only wear them in the winter and oly because I have to) as many times a day as I have to to keep them spotless white. I throw away socks that will not come white with all my attempts because I won't wear them or put them on my kids. If it's stained, it's garbage! PERIOD. I can't help it, it's just the way I am. And as for dirty feet, if mine get dirty, I wash them alm ost immediately, and if the kids feet are dirty they get washed as long as they aren't running around outside, I am not unreasonable but there will NOT be dirty feet in the house! Gross!!
5. I have a really hard time getting rid of blankets. I just really love blankets and have piles of them in our bedroom. PILES. It's awful, I need to get rid of a whole bunch. I just got 2 more from someone of Freecycle, I should not have taken them but I couldn't help myself! They were just so soft and cute! When I do actually get rid of one, I think about it for a long time after and then I want it back. This could very well be linked to my childhood love for a blanket that I no longer have. I sucked on it and dragged it everywhere. It was about 150 years old (seriously) but I loved it. It fell to pieces and I wish I still had just one little piece of it.
6. I love food. Which explains why I am such a fatty. When I was 4 I told my mom I wanted to live in a grocery store to be closer to the food. What's my favorite? Thanksgiving. Yes, the holiday, because it's all my favorite food in one day. From breakfast that morning to dinner and dessert that night. Everything inbetween and all the trimmings. I just LOVE FOOD!
7. I like to dress up Emma like a doll. I will change her clothes 5 times a day just to see outfits on her. Granted she pees her pants alot and I have to change her anyways, but I secretly don't mind. It's stupid and hipocritical because I hate the amount of laundry I have to do but on the other hand Emma gets to wear tons of really cute clothes!
So to end my super long ass post...have a great day guys!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Holiday Inspired Lo!
Over at Let's Scrap! The sketch is AWESOME! I loved how the LO just came out so easily! I had a few people ask about the hearts in the lower right corner of the LO. It was really simple, all I did was stamped 1 heart in country red and then over lapped the same stamp but in country blue. I used my zig glue pen to slightly trace the stamp and then glittered with white and blue glitter (white over the blue heart, blue over the red heart) It came out totally FAB!
So everyone have a WONDERFUL 4th of July weekend! We are busy over here with beach, fireworks, and picnics! Hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday and PRAY FOR NO RAIN!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
5 Fridays HATES
OMG I just got back from seeing the Jodi Picoult movie My Sister's Keeper. I am so effing pissed that they changed the end of the movie!!! How can they takke such an amazing book and change the ENDING. I just am so mad right now about this it isnt even funny. Ok so anyways this weeks list is My 5 BIGGEST hates!
1. Movie makers who change perfectly good books into ordinary stories that have no decent meaning!
2. Authors who allow stupid ass movie makers to change their books for movies.
3. Movie theater seats that hurt your butt and makes your legs go numb
4. Flat soda! its disgusting and I hate
5. Stale movie theater sticks in your teeth and tastes like POOOOO!
Ok...I'm done with my rant but seriously, if you read the book and plan on seeing the movie, plan on being disapointed. Because it blew monkey chunks!
1. Movie makers who change perfectly good books into ordinary stories that have no decent meaning!
2. Authors who allow stupid ass movie makers to change their books for movies.
3. Movie theater seats that hurt your butt and makes your legs go numb
4. Flat soda! its disgusting and I hate
5. Stale movie theater sticks in your teeth and tastes like POOOOO!
Ok...I'm done with my rant but seriously, if you read the book and plan on seeing the movie, plan on being disapointed. Because it blew monkey chunks!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Blog Awards!

And here are 15 of my favorite blogs to receive this award as well (in no particular order :O)
1.Celina- Celina's Life
2.Rosie- Cracklin' Rosie
3. Deborah- Deborah's Scrapbook Layouts
4.Gine- Gine's Scraproom
5.Jill- Is this my life really?
6.Brianna- jillofallcrafttrades
7.Lizzie- lizzies blog
8.Kristy- My Corner of the Studio
9.Tracey- scrappin trackside
10.Beate- Scraps and Stuff
11.Shemaine- Scraptastic
12.Emily- Through Emilys Eyes
13.Bethany- Creative Ruminations
14.Frances- Forever and a Year
15.nscropper- Imagine That!
To my blog candy winners...
I FINALLY made your prizes!! I have to get to the PO sometime to mail out a swap and a your prizes so thank you for being patient with me and dealing with my slowness!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Jewely Layout!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Favorite 5's Better late than never!
Ok so yesterday was far to busy a day to get on here and do anything with George's coming home!! Whoo-hoo!! It was absolutely awesome, I hate to think he is leaving again so soon and for LONGER! That part is poohy....but we won't talk about that today I am going to list all the wonderful amazing things that have been going on in my life- including my hubby being so amazing!
1. George coming home of course! It was so great to see him again. I leaped on him and gave him the biggest hug I think I ever gave him! He is wonderful, and he is the best daddy and hubby anyone could ask for. He cleans, he provides, he spoils us rotten when he can. He knows when to put his foot down but he is the most patient and calm man i have ever met. You will never here him yell or even raise his voice. He is supportive of everything I do and he doesn't mind dumping his hard earned money into my very exspensive hobby! He is just all around the absolute best!!
2. My two wonderful amazing children, Emma and Noah. They are sweet as pie and everything a mom could ask for! Emma takes care of his baby brother and he just adores her. I love to watch them play together, it is so cute!
3. My housing situation seems to be changing for the MUCH better and I am so excited for having more room! We are finally in a place where we can afford something bigger and a door opened for us that is making it really possible! I hope it happens!
4. Army benefits. Yes, they suck sometimes, but then again, they seem to be coming through for George and me. Thank God for job openings!
5. And last for my list today is my WHOLE family. They have helped me so much and through so much. They are supportive and caring and they were there for us when we needed them most and that is what makes family- family. A special thanks to my two sisters, Rosie and Angela, and my mom, Terry. Without you guys I wouldnb't have made it through these past 2 years! You guys are the best sisters and mom anyone could wish for!! I couldn't have picked ones better!
Friday, June 12, 2009
One Friday to go!
So as you all know George is gone for a while for the Army *tear* but he will be back!! YAY! Anywho, ok so it's Fave 5 Friday everybody, I skipped last Friday so this one has to be doubley awesome right? Well- let's see how goes it!
1. Zig glue pen! I couldn't live without it...really. I have never seen a liquid glue work so well. I'm in love.
2. MRE's- if you don't know what they are, it's Army food. And it has been the topic of discussion going on around here for complete ENTERTAINMENT! You would think you would get better food for serving your country. Geez! But it's still funny...
3. You Tube videos of talking eggs, not only will you piss your pants laughing, but the thought of the people who had the time to make all those videos makes me laugh even more!
4. Emma's new way of talking. And speaking her mind, about EVERYTHING. That girl thinks it and it spills out of her! Hilarious, indeed. And her new fave thing to say is *drum roll* "I borrowin it!" If she thinks she can, she says she will! Too funny, for example. She told me she was going to "borrow" Noah the other day because I told her to stop fussing him!!! WHat a coock she is turning into!
5. Last but not least on my list for this rainy Friday is.....nothing. There is no number 5! The truth? I can't think of anything while I am typing this post....shame on me...I guess my own ingenious-ness will have to do. :O) Don' laugh, I'm just a really big dork! know who you are ;-P
1. Zig glue pen! I couldn't live without it...really. I have never seen a liquid glue work so well. I'm in love.
2. MRE's- if you don't know what they are, it's Army food. And it has been the topic of discussion going on around here for complete ENTERTAINMENT! You would think you would get better food for serving your country. Geez! But it's still funny...
3. You Tube videos of talking eggs, not only will you piss your pants laughing, but the thought of the people who had the time to make all those videos makes me laugh even more!
4. Emma's new way of talking. And speaking her mind, about EVERYTHING. That girl thinks it and it spills out of her! Hilarious, indeed. And her new fave thing to say is *drum roll* "I borrowin it!" If she thinks she can, she says she will! Too funny, for example. She told me she was going to "borrow" Noah the other day because I told her to stop fussing him!!! WHat a coock she is turning into!
5. Last but not least on my list for this rainy Friday is.....nothing. There is no number 5! The truth? I can't think of anything while I am typing this post....shame on me...I guess my own ingenious-ness will have to do. :O) Don' laugh, I'm just a really big dork! know who you are ;-P
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Alpha LO for Vintage Flaire
Working on this long on going 6x6 LO challenge. The letter is picked randomly and we have to create a 6x6 LO that has a word starting with that letter dominately on the page, and whatever added embelly it says has to be on there. So the first one is Y and the added embelly is butterflies. So here is my take and I did the word YESTERDAY.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Oh Monday, and a Father's Day card
So here is the father's day card I made for George and for the If The Shoe Fits blog challenge. Hope you like it!
So we are doing ok since George left. Emma is asking for him everyday and Noah has been cranky in the morning without him but we are doing well besides that :O) Thank you everyone for your support! It won't be long before he's home!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
2 Sketches 4 You Card Challenge!!

So with minutes to spare I am posting for this AWESOME card challenge over at 2S4Y! Hope they like my card! You can check out the challenge here
Thanks to Laura's FAB sketch 27! Thank you for such an AWESOME challenge ladies!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Creative Scrappers LO #54
Not the best or my fave..
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's just one of those days...
Got kinda crappy news today. I was hoping to make the DT for a blog and didn't. :O( I was so excited too! Oh well, such as life. Maybe next time!
I'm really tired today for some reason too. So that isn't helping my mood.
Something is wrong with Emma and she keeps peeing her pants because she can't get to the bathroom in time. No complaining from her so I don't think it's a UTI, but I can't tell if she is just holding it because she doesn't want to stop playing and by the time she makes it to the bathrrom it's too late. URG, 5 pairs of pants she went through yesterday. Not to mention the cleaning of the bathroom floor...the damn thing is so clean you could eat off of it.
I just want some good news today! I don't care what it is or where it's from...just a little pick me up! I need to go for a I'm irritated!
I'm really tired today for some reason too. So that isn't helping my mood.
Something is wrong with Emma and she keeps peeing her pants because she can't get to the bathroom in time. No complaining from her so I don't think it's a UTI, but I can't tell if she is just holding it because she doesn't want to stop playing and by the time she makes it to the bathrrom it's too late. URG, 5 pairs of pants she went through yesterday. Not to mention the cleaning of the bathroom floor...the damn thing is so clean you could eat off of it.
I just want some good news today! I don't care what it is or where it's from...just a little pick me up! I need to go for a I'm irritated!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
FFF! Ok it's ridic!
That it is Friday already!! I can't believe how fast this week BLEW by me. Insane!! I don't even know what to put as my F5's....I will have to pull this one out of my butt...
1. The "new" love <3
2. Neutrogena sunscreen for's new, it's AWESOME, it's my new fave!!
(I have some uber white babies that need diesel protection from the sun so when i found it I was ecstatic!!)
3. the flowers George bought me for Mother's Day...still are beautiful and NOT DEAD!! Rockin flowers!!
4. I discovered Noah can crawl up the stairs!! Ok scary yes but thats such a feat and it's so cool! When I let him near the stairs to see what he would do he flew up them so fast I couldn't believe it! My baby is growing too fast :O(
5. Jon & Kate+8 Drama....ok, this is actually sad because I have been watching this show since they were born and I LOVE them. And I am just so torn for them with all the drama going on in their lives. Yes there are many variables to their problems, but I don't care about all the nonsence, they need prayers not critisizm.
There you have it guys. It is what it is...nothing quite so interesting this week lol....I will have to do some crazy drinking for next Fridays5's!
1. The "new" love <3
2. Neutrogena sunscreen for's new, it's AWESOME, it's my new fave!!
(I have some uber white babies that need diesel protection from the sun so when i found it I was ecstatic!!)
3. the flowers George bought me for Mother's Day...still are beautiful and NOT DEAD!! Rockin flowers!!
4. I discovered Noah can crawl up the stairs!! Ok scary yes but thats such a feat and it's so cool! When I let him near the stairs to see what he would do he flew up them so fast I couldn't believe it! My baby is growing too fast :O(
5. Jon & Kate+8 Drama....ok, this is actually sad because I have been watching this show since they were born and I LOVE them. And I am just so torn for them with all the drama going on in their lives. Yes there are many variables to their problems, but I don't care about all the nonsence, they need prayers not critisizm.
There you have it guys. It is what it is...nothing quite so interesting this week lol....I will have to do some crazy drinking for next Fridays5's!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
So how was everyone's vaca? Mine was fun. Except now I am burned to a crisp! It's pretty painful. Thank god for sunburn lotion!!
Through the pain today I amnaged to bang out a LO...for an ATC challenge I am doing. I think it came out pretty cute!
Well, I am headed to do a LO for SOL...let's see how that one turns out!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Weekend..
Everyone have a wonderful and safe holiday! we are hanging out here today and tomorrow and then hitting the beach on Monday! I am so excited to bring Noah to the beach for the first time! And Emma just LOVES it so much she will have a blast! I am also getting to hang out with old friends from high school who I haven't seen in 3 years and that will just be so fun!
What is everyone doing for this weekend?
What is everyone doing for this weekend?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Fave 5 Friday!!
I can't believe it's Friday already! Happy holiday weekend to all. Be safe, don't drink and drive!
And for my fives this week we have up for the numero uno spot:
1. Sparkling Raspberry Wine! The cheapy Arbor Mist brand....FABULOUS! And I got tipsy lol...but I also drank the whole bottle myself...ok, Rosie had 1 glass...
2. Bowling...I went to the bowling alley to hang out with my sister while she bowled and I had a blast just chillin! The kids had a ball and were so well behaved!! It was all around a fun night!
3. Ok, this is a HATE for this week....CT State Office! I could kill someone dealin with these people!! We drove all the way there today and they were closed and iddnt have the effing courtesy to let us know they would be closed!! Oh, I am just...whooo...fucking idiots *oops*
4. Snyder's Pretzel twists! OMG they are AMAZING....the honey wheat ones or whatever they good!
5. And for the last one of on my list today, crocheted flowers! It's my new addiction. I recieved one in the mail and I also am ordering some from a friend. I am so excited to get them!! I thought I had a whole bunch of LO's to share and for some reason I think I am wrong. But here is one I did of my niece Kilana! I am sure I will find more to post lol!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
LO for Scrap out Loud Challenge
Use crappy pictures for a LO....well these were pretty crappy taken at about 7 in the am and on the porch! It was like 80 degrees and she was eatin a nana! It was so effing cute!! I love my monkey girl! The challenge was AWESOME! I loved scrapping not the best was a nice change!
Ok so I have had a roller coaster week! Busy bee! I started a scrapbook for my mom and my sister is doing it with me. It is coming out so cute! And she loves it. The poor woman has no time to do it so we volunteered to do it for her!
I know i said I would post more LO's and I promise I will! Like today....later...haha, love you my loyal followers!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
So much to post!
I have so many LO's to post lol...but it will have to wait till tomorrow! I am going scrap crazy tomorrow because I am bursting with challenges to do!! SOL, VF, The Shoe, CM, 52s521w! I am going sketch-listic! But hey, when hte mojo is flowing you can't fight it, ya never know when it's going to hitch a ride to HaHa land. Ok, other things to do before I fall off the bed asleep...night everyone!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday Friday Friday!
First I have to commend Jill for her amazingly wonderfully twisted and MOST NEEDED Fives list today. It made my life sparkle a little reading it :O) Ok now...fives
1. Rekindling old friendships...I started talking to a very good friend of mine again, it made me smile.
2. Scrapbook Recipe Challenges....not only was it awesomely fun to do but it was a really cool idea! I loved the list of "ingredients" to put into the LO. Very fun challenge!
3. Ok so i got called a ball and chain by one of my wonderful hubbys "friends" so guess new favrotie is being a ball and chain because I wont let my hubby go out and hang out with skanky nasty people who are losers. Wow that makes me such a bad wife. OH WELL DEAL WITH IT.
4. Heidi from The Hill's wedding dress. I thought it was AMAZING. It reminding me so much of mine except mine cost 16,000 less than hers lol. And I certainly didnt wear 1.2 million in diamond bobbles. I love big fancy exspensive weddings!
5. Sonic commercials...Ok well I kinda hate them but I love the Crazy Ladies Late Night Snackin- lets get some eggs and boil 'em! It is just so stupid its funny...we dont even have Sonics here but they show commercials for it!
I am going on a diet. I so need to lose this baby fat. It's gross, and I am pudgyyyyy. Like Ms. Piggy pudgy. I need a hairtrim too. I love my short cut but damn does it grow back so fast! Irritating. I want to make it a mission to walk with the kids everyday. Rain or not. Thats what rain coats are for. Bleh, so I have a challenge I want to get done. I am working on my blog candy winners prizes. Lots to do, so little time.
1. Rekindling old friendships...I started talking to a very good friend of mine again, it made me smile.
2. Scrapbook Recipe Challenges....not only was it awesomely fun to do but it was a really cool idea! I loved the list of "ingredients" to put into the LO. Very fun challenge!
3. Ok so i got called a ball and chain by one of my wonderful hubbys "friends" so guess new favrotie is being a ball and chain because I wont let my hubby go out and hang out with skanky nasty people who are losers. Wow that makes me such a bad wife. OH WELL DEAL WITH IT.
4. Heidi from The Hill's wedding dress. I thought it was AMAZING. It reminding me so much of mine except mine cost 16,000 less than hers lol. And I certainly didnt wear 1.2 million in diamond bobbles. I love big fancy exspensive weddings!
5. Sonic commercials...Ok well I kinda hate them but I love the Crazy Ladies Late Night Snackin- lets get some eggs and boil 'em! It is just so stupid its funny...we dont even have Sonics here but they show commercials for it!
I am going on a diet. I so need to lose this baby fat. It's gross, and I am pudgyyyyy. Like Ms. Piggy pudgy. I need a hairtrim too. I love my short cut but damn does it grow back so fast! Irritating. I want to make it a mission to walk with the kids everyday. Rain or not. Thats what rain coats are for. Bleh, so I have a challenge I want to get done. I am working on my blog candy winners prizes. Lots to do, so little time.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Yummy Recipe Challenge
Ok so I didn't actually have to cook for this challenge is still yummy! It was Simply Scrappings May Challenge. I loved the "recipe"! It was so cool. So here is my lo!
I have been feeling cruddy these past 3 days since being blessed with the monthly witch. I organized ALL of my scrap stuff yesterday. It was gorgeous outside and I didn't take out the kids because I was busy. I had nothing to do today and wanted to bring them out and it POURED ALL DAY. I was really pissed. And the weather just made me feel even sh*ttier. Stupid crap weather. Anywho... hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
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